Contact Person - Conference coordinator
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Organized by: International Research forum for Scientific Research
Topic Covered: Architecture, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Computing, Design, Image Processing, Military, Robotics, Data Mining, Energy, Forestry, Manufacturing, Mining, Networking, Renewable Energy, Transport, Smart Materials, Aviation Tec
The internet of things IoT is a platform that allows a network of devices sensors, smart meters, etc. to communicate, analyse data and process information collaboratively in the service of individuals or organisations. The IoT network can generate large amounts of data in a variety of formats and using different protocols which can be stored and processed in the cloud. Big Data BD has core values of volume, velocity, variety and veracity. After collecting much data from IoT, BD can be jointly used with machine learning, AI, statistical and other advanced techniques, models and methods, which can create values for people and organizations adopting it, since forecasting, deep analysis and analytics can help identify weaknesses and make improvements based on different analysis.