Contact Person - Holly
Event inquiry /Organizer email address -
Organized by: EARHM
Topic Covered: Economics, Management, Human Resources, Distance Education, Higher Education, Arts, History, Sociology, Art History, Linguistics
Venue: Pattaya , Thailand
All accepted papers of the conference will be published in the printed conference proceedings with valid International ISBN number that will be registered at: London, UK that will be provided at the time of the conference. Each Paper will be assigned Digital Object Identifier DOI from CROSSREF. The proceedings of the Conference will be published by CPS Conference Publishing Services and will be will be archived in Engineering & Technology Digital Library. Each Paper will be assigned Digital Object IdentifierDOI from CROSSREF & online in Proc.ISSN Journals. The papers can be submitted to Emerging Sources Citation Index [THOMSON REUTERS] OR SCOPUS Indexed journals possible indexing with extra charges the conference fee is compulsory to be paid One Excellent Session Paper will be selected from each oral session. The Certificate for Session's Excellent Papers will be awarded after each session of the conference