Academy of Business and Emerging Markets!

About Us

Academy of Business and Emerging Markets (ABEM) is an academic organization whose mission is to serve academicians in developing countries and emerging markets through knowledge generation and dissemination through training, journal and conferences. Thus, to achieve the mission, ABEM organizes an annual conference and invites papers, abstracts, cases studies, and proposals for special sessions and doctoral students on the following three areas: Business (Marketing, Education, Operations, Human Resources, Finance/Accounting, Marketing Analytics, Cross-cultural Issues, Social Media Marketing, Organizational Behaviour, Strategy/Entrepreneurship); Governments (Fundraising, Public Policy, E-Government, International Business, International Relations, Genetically Modified Food, Foreign Direct Investment, Environment Management, Public Sector Management, Law, Patents and Inventions; and Community (Agriculture, Eco-tourism, Sustainability, Micro-finance, Rural Marketing, Non Profit/Co-op, Heal