EPICS is the premier interdisciplinary platform that will deliver the latest developments and innovative research results in electrical sciences for all professionals, researchers and engineers from all over the world This conference aims to foster interaction in the area of Energy, Power, Integrated Circuits and systems and their applications among scientists in both academia and industry. The conference includes a keynote address and invited talks by eminent speakers and presentations by participants. This conference provides engineers and academia an opportunity to share their experiences in a recent development, current practices and future trends in power and energy. This event will provide a unique platform for discussing issues and developments in electrical power, power electronics, energy and its associated engineering fields. “EPICS” also provides the global platform a networking opportunity for establishing international relationships, widen professional contact and create new opportunities. Also, it provides a perfect environment for the participants to upgrade their knowledge in power and energy engineering to discuss the ways to disseminate the awareness of the latest developments and advances in the field of Electrical Engineering and Technology. The conference is organized along five tracks: 1 Emerging methods and approaches for Energy system planning and analysis, 2 The application of technology and supporting tools for Power, 3 Power & Energy Integrated Circuits and systems, 4 Control and Communications Systems and 5 Circuits and systems.